I left Facebook this week. Well, mostly.
I did leave the Official Christian Homekeeper Facebook Page up and my personal page is still active though I haven’t been posting. There are some reasons I took the Facebook Group and moved it here and will not be visiting FB as much as I had been.
I don’t believe Facebook is a horrible place. There are a lot of good things that I see on Facebook every day, encouraging things, pretty things, sweet pictures and funny stuff.
Here’s the problem though that I saw in MYSELF: I was spending way too much time looking at Social Media.
I closed my Twitter account. I closed my SNAPCHAT (which I only had because of my kids) and though I am registered at many social media places, it’s because I didn’t want someone else to claim the name “Christian Homekeeper”.
What did I do with all my time BEFORE social media took hold? I read a lot more. I talked to people. I created things, did crafts, sewed and worked on my home more.
I take pleasure in my home, in keeping it clean, arranged, comfortable, but I was not doing a lot of those things, I was casually sifting through all those Facebook posts.
Then there is the political aspect of Facebook. I simply got tired of all the political posing and harping. Politics are not first and foremost in my mind, the Kingdom of God is first in my mind. I do vote. I don’t want to read or participate in FB political shenanigans and memes.
Next, there is the fact that Facebook isn’t what many think it is. Facebook is a company, owned by an individual/individuals. Does anyone really think they have rights on Facebook? We do not. We can be censored and all the information we receive on Facebook can be carefully manipulated and fed to us. If a post is removed, some cry censorship. But it is their right to censor. Just like it is my right to censor certain posts here on this message board that conflict with my beliefs. Just like it is your right to leave here if you don’t agree, it is my right to leave FB because I don’t agree with their social agenda.
Finally, there is the whole economic, marketing aspect of Facebook. We are the ones purchasing and being sold things to. We are the captive audience and we’re not being paid for our time, we’re paying them by seeing advertisements however unsavory they may be, and by purchasing anything via a link on FB. I am all for commerce and making honest money, I simply want off the money train that is Facebook.I’ll insert one more reason here: I hate some of the memes that come across my FB page.
I hate some of the ads and memes. There is a lot of vulgarity and baseness on Facebook. This is something Facebook allows. I think it dulls our minds to that type of humor. I can disallow those things here and I can provide you a place where it doesn’t happen.
These are my reasons. I just wanted to be away from Facebook and I don’t think I’m alone in that. So, after much prayer, discussion, more prayer and seeking the Lord, I realized that God can do His work anywhere, Facebook included.
He had me and CHK at Facebook for a while and for a work. Now it is time for another phase of this work that is CHK and it will be here away from the deafening noise of social media.
As with many things in our lives, it’s easy to get distracted with Facebook or other sites.
Agree totally a lot of what would have been prayer and bible time consumed in needless scanning people messages nosy in our peoples lives and activities but oh to get a clear message from God that what we need..
Well said Sylvia, thank you so much.
Such truth!
Love this. Very spot on.