...a God to serve...a family to love... a work to do...

Unexpected Company

Some years ago having unexpected company was not an unusual thing. I guess people have gotten away from showing up unannounced at someone’s house. When I was a child though it was pretty common.

I still do get unexpected company sometimes and when the children were all at home, we started each day of our home school with the attitude of expectation that someone might stop by. Many days, they did.

I think it’s a great thing to be ready for company, even if you invite someone over. In the past there have been times when a friend was in need of someone to listen, so I’d invite her over and my home was ready.

So, in case you are feeling like you need to pull things together and be ready for unexpected company, here are a few tips and ideas.

I’m not telling you that you have to have your house in a state of perfection. But there are things you can do ahead of time to make it possible for you to minister to folks without stress and worry about your home and what you’ll offer them in the way of food or drink or a clean place to sit.

  • Start the day with the idea that someone might come over, or that you may see that you need to invite someone over.

After a while, your home and your mind will be in a state of constant readinessIt does work! I’ve done it.

  • Change one thing at a time that will enhance the way your home feels to guests.

Get rid of piles of papers and stuff. Give things a good dusting. Move out unnecessary furniture and clear off a place to sit every day.

  • Make some freezable meals and treats.

Or buy some cookies that you can put in the freezer and bring out for guests. Have coffee, tea or lemonade on hand. If you have a meal you can pull out of the freezer and pop in the oven, it makes it easier to say, “Stay for dinner”.

  • Pray that God will use you and your home to minister.

I think women in general have gotten away from this. But hospitality is still an important duty for Christians. Ask God to show you how you can better equip and use your home to bless others.

Do you have ideas and tips about preparing your home and yourself for unexpected guests?


  1. Dianne

    Such good suggestions. Thank you for this article. Just what I needed too!

    • Sylvia

      You’re welcome Dianne. I’m so glad it has helped you. <3