...a God to serve...a family to love... a work to do...

True Modesty Begins Within


What do you think of when you hear the word modesty? Clothing? Dresses? Quietness? Gentleness?

What do you think of when you hear someone talk about your heart? Your mind? Your consciousness? Your soul? Or the organ that makes your blood flow through your body?

There is so much talk these days and a return to the ideals of feminine modesty. And that’s really a good thing. We need to have “preachers” and women who will stand up and tell their fellow Christian women what God’s Word says about dressing modestly, covering up our bodies and running away from temptation.

There is something though that gets left behind in the dust of all the talk about femininity and modest dressing; Modesty of One’s Heart; the modesty that is living and present in the heart of a believing woman’s mind and soul. Modesty is not only the way one dresses but also the way one thinks.

We know how important our thought life is. Christian psychologists like Dr Dobson have been telling us for years that our children will live up to what they think their parents expect of them. The Minirith -Myer Clinic has touted for years the merits of positive thinking and a positive outlook.

But we don’t have to go to anyone else to know that God’s Word in describing an evil man says:

Pro 23:7 For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he …..

How are you thinking these days? Are you appropriating the Mind of Christ that has been given to you? Are you walking in the Light in regards to your thought life as well as in your actions?

Is your heart full of modest thoughts?

When you have immodest thoughts, are you running from them or are you entertaining them?

Modest Thoughts = Modest Actions

The modesty that Christian women claim to posses is either backed up or forfeited by their behavior.

Much of what parades itself as exhibitionism and immodesty is actually insecurity and a low opinion of one’s self. How many times have you known someone who talks about herself constantly, dresses way over the top in terms of flashiness and immodesty or flirts? Most of those women are insecure about who they are and it shows up in their behavior…..which in turn effects the way they dress.

Your clothing is important. What you wear can tempt a brother to sin and it can offend a sister in Christ. It can either build up a weak Christian in her faith or tear her down and place a stumbling block in front of her in her walk with the Lord. But, your behavior in every circumstance of your life and your thought life speaks more than your clothing does.
Once someone gets past your modest clothing…..what do they find in you?

What is lurking inside your mind? Is it as modest as your clothing?

What types of thoughts do you have? Are they charitable? Loving? I Corinthians chapter 13, the “Love” chapter tells us that we are to always think the best of others. When we think the best of others, there is no room for immodest thoughts about them.

If I could sum up in one sentence what it means to have modest thoughts I would say that it means that you love the Lord Jesus and think of pleasing Him more than pleasing yourself.

It also means that you don’t dwell on the negative, sinful thoughts that do pop up in your mind from time to time. I can attest from experience that when a bad thought comes to your mind, you DO have the strength and power to drive that thought out of your mind. The Holy Spirit of Jesus dwelling in you will give that strength to you but you must appropriate it by asking for His help. Then you must act on it and say NO to those thoughts……over and over again if necessary. Some battles are very hard won and you must not give up.

How do you get those modest thoughts? How do you go about being modest in your mind? The first step is to get in close communion with the Lord Jesus. Talk to Him daily. Offer praise and worship to Him. Commit your daily tasks to His service; no matter how trivial or small they may seem to you….. they are what He has given you to do.

If your opinion of your self is so low that you find yourself going to great lengths to get attention by speaking out of turn, speaking too loudly, using coarse language or dressing provocatively, let me encourage you to read God’s Word and find out how much He thinks of you. Practice resting in Him. When you feel the need to thrust yourself forward, practice constraint and quietness. This will help you to develop inner modesty.

Finally, let me give you a good example of Inner Modesty.  Have you ever seen the statue or a picture of  The Greek Slave, by Hiram Powers? She is completely naked, and yet she epitomizes true inner purity and modesty. During early Greek rebellions the Turks often took slaves of the Greek people. This woman has been required to disrobe. The woman is in chains and is on display.

Under her right hand are her garments and a necklace with a locket and a cross. An indication that she is loved by someone and a Christian. Her left hand covers the most private part of her body. Her face is turned sideways and her downward glance shows an expression of shame.

Her inner purity, the modesty of her thoughts seem to shine through the degradation of the moment. This is true modesty.

No matter what circumstances you find yourself in, strive for modesty in your thoughts. No matter what life hands you, remembering that it is from the Hand of the Lord, keep a check on your thoughts. Don’t give your thoughts free reign, keep them under the control of the Holy Spirit, and keep them pure. This is the beginning of modesty and the foundation on which you must build a modest life.


  1. Karen Hughes

    Thanks for this, I really needed to read it this morning. As a christian woman just delving into the issue of modesty I was beginning the think the only thing I’d find on the the net was about dress, and not the attitude behind it that is leading me to modest dress. What a blessing to find others who are being led to do this from their heart and not just following without knowing why. You put it just perfectly into words what I wasn’t able to.

  2. Tish

    Great thought. It is really easy to follow the letter of the law (like dressing modestly) but forget the spirit of it. Thanks for the reminder!

  3. April

    Very good article. I for one, would like to see more articles on modest clothing. I think it is sad when they have to specify on church camp reg forms that modest clothing is required….