Join me Thursday, May 26th at 7 pm central for The 21st Century Homekeeper radio show. Here is the link where you can go and listen live.

The 21st Century Homekeeper Radio Show

This week my Special Guest will be KerryAnnFoster from Cooking Tradtional Foods.   KerryAnn and I will discuss how to choose, store and use whole, natural foods in your home preparations for natural or man-made disaster. We’ll talk a lot about how she prepared a 1 year food storage just before her husband lost his job and how her family lived off of that storage for 1 year. 

You can join us in the chat room and ask questions as we go along as well!

It promises to be a very interesting and informative show so please join us. If you can’t join us live, you can use that same link to download and listen to the show any time.