...a God to serve...a family to love... a work to do...

The 21st Century Homekeeper Radio Program Today ~ 7/14


This post has repaired links, they all work now!

Join me today, Saturday, July 14 at 5 pm central time onThe 21st Century Homekeeper.

After that, stay tuned for Get Real – Get Prepared! I will be a guest on Vickilynn’s show


The 21st Century Homekeeper: Bringing old-fashioned skiills into the 21st Century

Today my guest is Stacy Hester from Living Prepared Ministries.

Stacy is a certified responder and Disaster Relief Missionary with Crisis Response International and serves as a member of a local Crisis Response Unit in her community.   She has put together a printable package of Emergency Preparedness items that you can have and use for your family. They include:


I’ve had trouble with the links but here are the repaired links that all go to their original websites!

All the items are FREE.  I suggest you print them off and make your own Home Preparedness Binder!

Be sure to join me tonight as Stacy and I discuss how to use all these forms and files and talk about emergency preparedness.

July 14, 5 pm, Saturday ~ The 21st Century Homekeeper


After my program, join me on Vickilynn Haycraft’s show, Get Real – Get Prepared!

Vickilynn and I are old friends and we plan on having a conversation about preparedness, CHK and much more, I hope you’ll join us ! 


  1. Misty

    Thanks for the links! (-:

    • Sylvia

      You’re welcome! 😀

  2. Stacy

    Sorry everyone! Sylvia and I are working on this and I think I have found a solution. Please watch for Sylvia to correct the links. Originally, I had sent her all the links for the documents through Facebook. This time I sent them by email.
    Stacy recently posted..Home Preparedness Binder

  3. Heather-Joan

    Some0ne said there were new links posted but when I clinked on the links above they took me back to the same blanks pages. Could someone just email them to me at little_vamp_gurl@yahoo.com or something or I just won’t worry about it and not do it. Thanks.
    Heather-Joan recently posted..Saturday Night Dinner!

    • Sylvia

      All the links are repaired now, Heather-Joan. 🙂

  4. Rodney

    My wife sent me the link to your website but every link takes me to a Facebook link.

    Do you have any links that are NOT Facebook?

    I don’t do Facebook! It’s not safe. Every person on the planet can see ANY information that’s ever posted by anyone through this medium. There is NO security on it whatsoever and I refuse to use it.

    I’d like to be able to read your articles, but will not do so through Facebook.


    • Sylvia

      I’ll ask Stacy and see if she can put the files some where besides FB.

      BTW, FB is a great tool, you just have to know how to refrain from adding too personal information to it. 🙂

    • Sylvia

      Everything is working now! Thanks Stacy 😀

  5. Heather-Joan

    Hello. Love your program and your emails, however, I was unable to open all the emergency prepardness documents that were included in the last email that you sent out. Is there a way that this may be remedied so that I may open them please? I would really like to use them. Thank you so much and many blessings! xo

    • Sylvia

      Hi Heather-Joan
      I wrote to Stacy and got some new links so try it now, I think its working OK!