...a God to serve...a family to love... a work to do...

The 21st Century Homekeeper ~ Prepare Magazine and Joseph Miller

Are you new to preparedness and prepping?  Would you like some balanced information and a good resource for learning joeessential new skills without all the hype, fear, anger and politics?  This Saturday, May 25 at 5 pm central,  Sylvia talks with Joseph Miller, Chief Vision Officer for Prepare Magazine.

They discuss what it means to prepare, why preparedness doesn’t mean living in fear and Joseph shares from his heart all about Prepare Magazine and what it offers to the prepping community.


  1. Gail Firenze

    Hi Sylvia,
    Another great programme. What a lovely man Joseph is. One thing that was mentioned on the show was bartering. This is something I am very interested in. Here in Australia we don’t hear to much about bartering, but I do know there are families that barter. I would love to hear about how one would go about setting up a bartering system, the pitfall if any and whether it would be best to advertise or use word of mouth. Would it be best to limit the type of products and services to barter. All this type of thing. Would it be possible to do a programme on this subject. Thank you in anticipation.
    Blessings Gail

    • Sylvia

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting Gail, I am interested in bartering too so I will talk to Joseph and a couple others in this business and see what kind of show I can come up with! Thank you for the idea.