Join me and special guest Kal Sellers, The Mad Herbalist. Kal is a Master Herbalist,and a full time practitioner of natural healing. He also teaches natural healing through his website, and hosts a regular natural healing radio show, called the MadHerbalist show. Kal is the father of 6 girls, the last 4 of whom were born at home and all of whom are treated naturally for all health issues. You will want to tune in to this show to learn about natural healing, herbal medicine and how to get the knowledge you need to use herbs medicinally with confidence.
The 21st Century Homekeeper, November 17th. 7 pm central time.
Last nights show was absolutely fantastic. I was not able to listen live but I got to listen to it today and I can’t tell you how thankful I am to you and Kal for this particular show. Have a blessed day my dear friend.
Thank you Rose! I enjoyed having Kal as my guest as well, he is a very knowledgeable herbalist.