Its so frosty and cold this morning.  While the sun came up, I made coffee and thought about how much I am thankful for my french press. Even though it is cracked, it still works. And it makes the best coffee!

Another thing I was thinking about and being thankful for this morning is heat. You know, I love being in Jamaica where its hot most of the time. I like warmth. Very hot days don’t bother me. But being cold, now that bothers me. I do find it easier to get cool than to get warm. So I am very thankful for the central heat and the kerosene heater that takes the nip off this big family room.

I am SO thankful for Mark’s job. There are so many people out of work and I know that it could easily be us. It may be us one day. Right now though he has a job and its a regular, salaried job.  We can pay our bills. We will have to be ever so careful and frugal in order to have some extra money for Christmas, but we can do it. So I am thankful for it.

Oh, and I am thankful for my children. They are such characters! All 5 of them. And I mean that in the very best way. They are by turn witty, funny and wise.

I could go on and on…. but I will finish up here by saying that I am thankful for what I am learning in our Numbers Bible study. Last week we saw in His Word that God is truly the same yesterday, today and forever.  He is a consuming fire. And he is love. And full of grace.


What are you thankful for?