...a God to serve...a family to love... a work to do...

School 2012-2013

School has started here and it occurred to me that you might like to know what we are using this year, curriculum-wise. This is our 21st year of home Educating and we have graduated 3 children so far. This is my second year with only two students since 2009.

A one-room school house

Sam is in the 12th grade:

Intro to Calculus with Trigonometry – Math-U-See

Chemistry with Lab – Apologia

English 4 – Alpha Omega

American History – Alpha Omega (half year)

P.E. – YMCA personal trainer


Lydia is in the 8th grade

Science – Alpha Omega

English – Alpha Omega

World History and Geography – Alpha Omega

Math – Math-U-See Zeta

Art – Rod and Staff Art 8 (she has used R&S since first grade and is a very good artist by now!)




  1. Linda Bobo Reddoch

    Hi Sylvie,
    Could you give me a little more information about R&S Art? Nathan is only in kindergarten this year and I don’t really “do” art with him. Should I add that to our daily or weekly curriculum?
    What does a student do in art beginning in k or 1st grades?
    Thank you,
    Linda Bobo Reddoch
    Linda Bobo Reddoch recently posted..Fall is about to "fall"!!!!

    • Sylvia

      Hi Linda,
      We have used R&S art since the beginning years of our home educating. In Kindergarten and 1st grade the art is very basic but develops good hand eye coordination, reenforces colors and shapes and the projects are so very easy to get together. There is lots of coloring, cutting, some gluing, and little projects that bring lots of satisfaction to the little ones.

    • Sylvia

      Hi Linda,
      We have used R&S art since the beginning years of our home educating. In Kindergarten and 1st grade the art is very basic but develops good hand eye coordination, reenforces colors and shapes and the projects are so very easy to get together. There is lots of coloring, cutting, some gluing, and little projects that bring lots of satisfaction to the little ones.