It seems that one of the most difficult parts of staying at home, and of teaching at home, is scheduling the days so that each topic is covered sufficiently and so that all the other interests and necessary chores are done.  I know the importance of having a schedule, but I also know that moms and children at home can’t live or die by the schedule! A schedule must work for your family and it must be a tool that can be shaped to fit the family.

Once you get a good schedule alter it as needed so that it truly is a working tool instead of a task master for your family. If it rules your family, its not really a tool!

I find that pre-printed forms are a huge help to me in planning. I use Donna Young’s forms exclusively. She has a form for every task you may have in your home or homeschool. I personally use her Colonial style forms. If you like her forms, consider donating to her site or purchasing her cd that contains all her forms!

Here is our 2009-2010 Schedule.  You are welcome to take it and change it up and make it your own.  I have two students this year, 5th and 9th grades. You may also want to take a look at our Daily School Schedule and Focus Room Schedule. This is the first year we have used a Focus Room Schedule. What it entails is taking one room per day and everyone pitching in to clean and organize it.

6:30 Mom up, dressed,quiet time, devotions, check email and message board, coffee.
7:30 – 8:30 Kids up, personal grooming, breakfast and cleanup.
8:30 Morning chores (for more ideas about assigning Chores see this article: Children and Chores the Heart and Mind of A Servant
– Children: clean up breakfast table, dishes in dishwasher, 10 Minute Tidy in bedrooms, feed animals
– Mom: laundry, correspondence, tidy bedroom, ironing

9:00 School begins (see daily school schedule for details)
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch and clean up
1:00 Independent assigned reading, quiet time, outside time.
2:00 Everyone cleans the focus room of the day (See Focus Room Schedule for details)
2:30 – 3:30 School work
3:30 Chores then Free time
4:00 – Dinner prep – set table, help in kitchen
6:00 Dinner
7:00  Individual evening chores then Family Time, Baths and quiet time in bedrooms before bedtime.
9:00 – 10:00 – bedtime

Click here for ideas and help with your daily school schedule.