For the next couple of months I will be discussing Real and Whole Foods in Preparedness on my Radio Show, The 21st Century Homekeeper.

I have several Special Guests lined up for some of my shows, too! You won’t want to miss the shows because my guests have some really important and helpful information about Whole and Natural Foods, what foods to choose, how to store foods and how to use those stored foods.

Food storage and preparedness is a great plan. Having food stores will be a great help in case of natural/man-made disasters or illness of the main bread-winner, but I really want my family to eat healthily from our food storage. So for the next couple of months I will be looking for ideas and sharing my ideas as well as my guests ideas with you!

My first guest will be KerryAnnFoster from Cooking Traditional Foods. KerryAnn finished gathering together a years worth of whole, natural food supplies just months before her husband lost his job. KerryAnn and her family lived off her food stores for 1 year.  She has a lot of wisdom and ideas for us all.  Be sure to check back here at CHK for the link to the Radio Show which you can listen to live or go and download to listen to later.

I’ll share my first tips with you today. This is a preview of the kinds of things I’ll be discussing in the coming weeks.

Tip #1 – Air tight containers are your friends. Natural foods like nuts keep for a long time unfrozen IF you store them in air tight containers.
Tip #2 – Some home-canned or factory canned items are good to have one hand in the Whole Foods Pantry. Choose organic and stock up when they are on sale.

Some of the topics in upcoming posts

  • The Best Grains For Storage
  • Sweeteners For Storage
  • Fats & Oils For Storage
  • Extras For Storage
  • How To Cook With Stored Foods