...a God to serve...a family to love... a work to do...

Reading The Bible With Consistency

One of my goals this year is to read God’s Word every day with some sort of order. I usually read whatever relates to what I am studying and some of the Psalms, but I want to read more this year! Don’t you?

So I’ve been searching and searching for reading plans that are out there in internet-land. And I’ve found the best post about all the plans available online. So instead of reinventing the wheel and posting all about the plans, how about you go over to Justin Taylor’s site and read all about it? You’re bound to find a plan that you can use consistently.

I chose to use the RSS feed from the English Standard Bible. It will be delivered to my Google Reader each day.

1 Comment

  1. Carmela Webb

    Thanks for the article-sites. I’m taking a new direction and reading the Bible over two years beginning today. I’m praying and am looking to do more personal study this year. I’m looking to see what the Lord has for me. Thanks for the encouragement and recommendations.
    Happy New Year!