...a God to serve...a family to love... a work to do...


I have a feature here on the main site that you may not be aware of.  Its a Q&A page where you can ask questions and I will answer you or help you find the answer.

I am shifting the main online outlet for teaching from the forums to the main site because the forums are closing after 15 years of ministry.  I hope you will feel free to ask questions about things that are on your mind.

There are a few loose  rules about questions.

I’ve been online for 15 years working message boards and chat rooms so I can spot a troll and will either respond matter-of-factly  or won’t respond at all to them.

No question is too small or too big or too off-limits. Questions about the Bible, doctrine, homemaking, children, marriage and more are all welcome. If I don’t know the answer to your question, I will try to find some answers. And if I can’t figure it out I will tell you I don’t know but try to give you some options.

I do reserve the right to not publish any particular question and its answer.  What that means is I may choose to answer your question privately so be sure to leave your email.

If you don’t agree with me,  we can discuss it but if you use bad language or are insulting, I simply won’t publish your comments. Or I may choose to publish them and make them an example. 😀

I’m especially interested in helping women find godly, Biblical answers to the questions that are on their minds.


  1. Jaleah

    Thanks Sylvia for the post. I didn’t make it back to board to say goodbye. But I’m guessing that I will see familiar names in these comment sections. I’m slowly trying to wean myself off of message boards so I definitely support your decision.

  2. Ella

    I’m glad for the Q&A’s. I’m always asking someone questions! =] I’m at an awkward stage in life. Both “normal” stuff, and spiritual stuff! So expect some questions from me! =]

    Ella recently posted..365 Day 49

    • Sylvia

      You’re welcome to ask anything you like!