...a God to serve...a family to love... a work to do...

Preparing For A Power Outage

How do you plan for a power blackout? On this episode of  Homekeeping Haven I discuss different ways of lighting, cooking, heating, communications and faring well in a power down situation.   candle in tin holder

Dealing with no power is more than finding candles and it includes many activities we may take for granted or haven’t considered. Tune in to this episode on the Survival Mom Radio network for helpful and important information on preparing for a power outage.

Homekeeping Haven on Blog Talk Radio – How To Prepare For a Power Outage

1 Comment

  1. Lisa D. Whitney

    I am looking forward to the upcoming episode. For the past few years we have been hit with hurricanes and lost power for a week each time. I actually find the time relaxing but do want to see if there are any ways to handle the outage better.