...a God to serve...a family to love... a work to do...

Meal Ideas For The Busy Parent





I’m going back to school this Fall. Hopefully it will be my last semester there for a while and I will graduate in December. Hopefully.

I panicked today thinking about meals and being gone from home all day three days a week. I’ve been at home all day for a long time and thinking of making meals ahead is not new to me but it kind of sneaked up on me. Or maybe it snuck up.

Anyway, I am making plans. the first plan is to purchase a ….microwave!   I haven’t had one in about 6 years. Every person in the house has groaned about it at least once, including me. Maybe we won’t get all nuclearized. I think we’ll get a very small one and take our chances. Because I am all for quick and stress-free meal prep right about now.

Next thing on my agenda is to put together make-ahead breakfasts.  I will get these recipes on the blog as soon as I have some good pics of them.  Here is what I have so far:

Cranberry-Nut bread

Boiled Eggs on English Muffins with Cheese and Herbs and Stuff.  I need a shorter name for that one.

Sausage and Potato Hand Pies. Kind of a homemade hot pocket/Cornish pasty thing.

Muesli – this is like granola but uses a binder like Kefir or yogurt




Then I will get some lunch ideas together that can be easily taken with me as I leave for the day. I like cheese, apples, boiled eggs, carrots, stuff like that so no problem there.

Dinner time though…… there’s the challenge. I am going to be relying heavily on my crockpots. For years I have put together freezer meals for the crockpot.  I started when I read the book, Once A Month Cooking by Mary Beth Lagerborg and Mimi Wilson. In 1986, people! That’s a long time ago but the book is still in print and they have a we site with recipes and all that.

So my choices for suppers are endless and I will try to get all my meals for the week together and in the freezer or frig on Saturday. Which brings me to the next conundrum…. how to get my weekly schedule put together in a way that works for me.

I’ll get recipes and schedule ideas up asap…….  


  1. Sarah B

    Hi Sylvia – Hope all goes well with your learning (again!) . Been watching you and and praying in His name for your well being and ministries over the years (since 2002 when I was off work sick with a bad back). It is a pleasure to know you ‘sister’ – who I have never physically met. Bless your family too, particularly while you will be away those three days a week. You are a real inspiration to us Mums who are based at home. xxx

  2. Linda

    You sound like one busy lady.
    I’m sure you will have it all worked out by Fall.
    Best wishes,

    • Sylvia

      Thanks, Linda, I sure hope so!

  3. janet

    I wanted you to know I have really missed your radio shows. I don’t know how you busy homeschooling moms have the time to put a weekly radio show together. But, I do hope you will be able to return to doing a show when things slow down for you a bit. (As if things ever slow down for mothers!)
    I have learned a lot from your shows — thank you for all you have taught us! May God bless you and your family!

    • Sylvia

      Janet I really appreciate you saying that. You’re the first one that has said they miss the shows. I would like to get back to doing them, but it probably won’t be for a while. I’m going through a period where I feel like everything I say here is redundant…. someone else has already said it and probably said it better. If the Lord allows, I’ll keep on writing and pick up doing radio again.

      • Kathy

        I also miss your radio shows!! And I love your website! Thank you for teaching those of us who have been homemaking for years and also the younger ladies, too. I especially enjoy having someone who is around my age to offer encouragement to continue the journey of homekeeping. God has used your words to bless my life, and that of my family. BTW, I now have married daughter who is a full-time homemaker. Thank you for your ministry!

        • Sylvia

          Kathy, thank you for stopping by to say that, I really appreciate it. I’m do glad my site has encouraged you and helped you along the way. 🙂

  4. Terri J

    I thought you had graduated years ago! What will you be studying?
    I’ve made burritos for the freezer and we all enjoyed them–even breakfast burritos with scrambled egg. I just wrap them individually in plastic wrap and then put them into a gallon-sized ziplock bag to freeze.

    • Sylvia

      Well, I’m trying to finish up an Agri-science degree I started. Hopefully it won’t take too much more time!