...a God to serve...a family to love... a work to do...

Laundry Day With No Electricity!

This week on The 21st Century Homekeeper Radio Program I will be talking about how to do your laundry when you have no electricity and you don’t have the option to take your laundry elsewhere to wash and dry.

There are a lot of ways that people get their laundry done without electricity and I will share instructions about them all. I’ll also include information about energy efficient machines like wringer washers and table top washers and where to find them.

You can wash without drying, so I”ll tell you how you can make the most of your space and time when you hang clothes to dry.

I’ll also share my CHK Classic Laundry Soap recipe and several other great soap and detergent recipes.

Join me live or download the show and listen at your leisure.

The 21st Century Homekeeper ~ July 14 ~ Laundry Day With No Electricity


  1. Sylvia

    Hi Chrisi,
    Folding the sheets will reduce the amount of pollen that can attach to them as they dry. Other than that though, I don’t know of any way to keep pollen out of clothes on the clothesline. You can hang clothes indoors though and they will be fresher than if dried in the dryer.

  2. Chrisi

    I don’t hang my laundry out to dry because of allergies. I’ve never tried but figure it wouldn’t be a good idea. I noticed in the other post that you mentioned hanging sheets folded if there are allergies, thought you might have some experience and have tips that might help me be able to use a clothesline. My hubby really likes the freshness of things hung outside, would love to bless him in this way if I can. Thank you.