I know, its the 2nd already. I was so busy enjoying the 1st that I didn’t have time to post about it!
This is the first and true sign that Autumn is on its way:
When the Dogwood trees set their berries, Fall can’t be far behind. The leaves look bad, don’t they? Its because we have not had much rain.
I sure hope I can bring in most of my herbs this Autumn. It would be a shame to have to leave this beautiful thyme plant outdoors all winter!
I’ve got some basil, oregano and rosemary that I hope to bring in, too.
Yesterday I shelled a bunch of Purple Hull Peas and froze them. Purple Hull peas are a Cow Pea and taste a lot like Black-eyed Peas. I blanch the peas for 3 minutes, immerse them in cold water and then put them in glass jars with loose fitting lids. Then I place them in the freezer and come back later to tighten the lids.
One of my favorite parts about this time of year is all the tomatoes! I plan to make Bolognese Sauce from these beauties and can it. I’ll post my recipe later on the blog. The sweet potatoes are going in the potato box. I bake them and mash them all through the winter. Sometimes I roast them in a hot oven with herbs and olive oil.
September will be a busy month for me. We’re taking a visit to my Uncle’s house, then the next week I will be speaking at the Self Reliant Expo in Hickory, North Carolina on Friday, September 14th. Then the next week starts Choir season and I will have to have all the music ready for all my choir members.
I don’t think September has ever been as packed with busy-ness for me! How about you? Can you tell its getting to be Autumn where you live? Some of my readers live in the Southern Hemisphere, so you’re are looking at a completely different season and kind of busy-ness, aren’t you?
thanks SO much for your site/radio program! I work full-time (10 hr days) and commute 2.5 hrs/day. I need all the help I can get & have learned so much from you
Steph, thank you so much for telling me that! I’m so glad to help. 😀
I tell its getting be autumn here because its finally dropping below 100 degrees (Las Vegas). I can’t wait for it to be cool enough to leave my bedroom window open at night!
I’m glad you’re cooling off, Stephanie! We only got to about 73*F here today which is about perfect.