Join me on The 21st Century Homekeeper Radio program tonight at 7 o’clock central time. I will be talking to author Wardee Harmon. 

Wardee is an author and owner of the Gnowfglins website and my personal friend.  We’re going to talk about Wardee’s new book, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Fermenting Foods, about food fermentation basics and we’ll tell you how you can get started easily and affordably, fermenting tools, recipes and procedures.

We will also be giving away a copy of Wardee’s book to someone who joins the chat room tonight! If you want to be able to win a copy of The Idiot’s Guide To Fermenting Food,  go to  Blog Talk Radio  and make an account. Then join us in the chat room tonight at 7 pm central. We’ll draw a name from everyone in the chat room using a random generator.

We’re going to be sharing at lot of information about this traditional method for food preservation that will help you get started fermenting your own foods, plus you might win a book, so I hope you can join us!