...a God to serve...a family to love... a work to do...

How To Cook On A Wood-Burning Stove

On this week’s 21st Century Homekeeper I talk to my long-time, old-fashioned living friend, Terri Jorgenson about how to cook on a wood burning stove.  terri stove 4

There is an art and a science to using a wood cook stove. Terri and I will talk about how to choose a wood cook stove, what to take into consideration before installing one, how to fire it up and how to cook. Lots of questions answered and mysteries revealed about using a wood stove to cook and bake in.

The show airs on Saturday, June 1st at 5 pm central (6 eastern, 7 mountain and 8 pacific). You can use the same link to listen ANYTIME after that!

The 21st Century Homekeeper, June 1st ~ Wood Stove  Cooking


  1. Terri J

    Just listened to the show with Steve. That was just SO much fun–but afterwards, of course, I thought of several more things we could have talked about. Thank you for inviting me!

    • Sylvia

      I’m so glad you agreed to join me! Maybe we can do another show in the future and cover all those extras!