“Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!”
“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.”
~ II Corinthians 9:7
“Give and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For the measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.”
~ Luke 6:38
“Wisdom is a shelter as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is this: that wisdom preserves the life of its possessor.”
Ecclesiastes 7:12
“Honor the Lord with your possessions, and with the first fruits of all your increase; so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine.”
~ Proverbs 3:9-10
Lord of All Good Gifts, help me to be wise
this year in my gift giving and spending.
Help me to make the best use of my time
as I look for gifts. Keep me from making
my shopping and spending an end unto
itself and help me refrain from wasting
either. Let me bring glory to you in both my
lavish love and my frugality. Amen.