Over at the Christian Homekeeper FaceBook Group we’ve been putting together all kinds of frugal ideas for Christmas. You can find ALL the ideas here. There are a LOT of great ideas on that page!red-bird small

Here is a sample of the ideas:

* If you have well treated house plants like aloe vera, spider plants, or various herbs, why not do up potted plants for gifts?

*Look at thrift stores for nice coffee cups and run through the dishwasher and then use as a base for homemade gifts. I like to fill mine with hot coco mix, or tea bags.And a few pretzels dipped in chocolate and rolled in sprinkles. A gift I often give to teachers.
* Sharing your canned up foods can be a great gift too!
 *http://www.purlbee.com/… A friend shared how you can make an apron from an old pair of jeans! Looks easy. She used this pattern for the apron and a leg of a pair of jeans, opened up for the main part of the apron.
Molly’s Sketchbook: Adjustable Unisex Apron – The Purl Bee – Knitting Crochet Sewing Embroidery…
* http://beingfrugalsally.blogspot.com/…
I’m thinking of making these super cute gift boxes for my nieces this year. Looks like a great way to reuse soda bottles.
Being Frugal Sally: Recycled 2 liter Bottle Penquin Gift Boxes

Go on over to the Frugal Christmas Blessings page and see what you can find………..