One of our CHK Members, Jen, has donated 6 control journal pages – and we are excited to offer them as a free download for CHK readers! You can use them in your home to organize your daily tasks, menu, and shopping list.
Grab the download here: Jen’s CHK Control Journal Pack. It is a zip file, so you’ll have to unzip it and then you can print the pages to use in your home.
Jen has generously offered to personalize the control journal pages for you. In exchange, she asks only that you donate $5 to CHK. Isn’t that sweet of her? If you are interested, please contact us. We’ll let you know how to paypal us the donation, and then we’ll get your personalized pack to you ASAP.
Be sure to visit Jen on her personal blog, Thoughts Of A Working Mom.
Thank you so much for sharing. I love pages such as these to “dress up” my journal.
Wonderful! Thank you Jen for your generosity!!