...a God to serve...a family to love... a work to do...

Fats, Oils And All The Anger

This week on The 21st Century Homekeeper radio program, my topic will be.. The Complete Guide To Fats and Oils

I was a little surprised at some of the comments I received on Facebook when I posted a link to an article called Who Killed Lard?  by NPR.  The article is mostly a history lesson in how lard became something to avoid and other hydrogenated fats became the new healthy oil.

But its always difficult to have our sacred cows trampled. Once you believe that something is bad for you and have been avoiding it like the plague and once you believe that the FDA really does look out after your best interests, health-wise, its difficult to let those things go and admit that there could be a more healthful way to cook and eat.

I grew up eating and cooking with lard, butter and bacon grease. That isn’t to say that we ate those fats by the spoonful. We used all fats judiciously. We used olive oil in its raw natural state, not cooked. I look back at those days in awe because we really had no reason to eat that way except that it was how our ancestors ate.Then all the misinformation about saturated fats started flying and we went to eating low-fat, margarine, shortening and canola oil.

My husband and I started eating that low-fat artificial, low saturated fats diet in the 1980’s but as we gained more insight into what we were eating and why, we quickly changed all that and went back to our ancestral diet.  Over the years we have added coconut oil, palm oil (which has gotten a very undeserved bad rap) and organic meats. The quality of our health has increased dramatically.

You’ve been fed a load of toxic fat when it comes to information about what fats to eat for good health.

On the radio program I will try to explain why your body needs natural, saturated animal fats and why artificially manipulated corn oil, safflower, canola, margarine, shortening, grapeseed, soy and others are extremely toxic to your body.

Get the low-down and start improving your health and reduce your chances for cardiovascular disease today.

Join me and my guest, Vickilynn Haycraft, www.realfoodliving.com as we delvein to this interesting and important topic.



  1. Traci Knoppe

    Sylvi – can you post the day/time and link to this show please? I need to add it to my calendar. 🙂

  2. Monica

    We are like sheep some times when it comes to the government agencies making our decisions for us… I am going to share this informantion with my husband see if he is interested in make our dietary changes. We are amazed at how old our ancestors lived to be… eating just this way. Maybe they were onto something. Thanks Sylvia!
    Monica recently posted..Homestead Update

  3. Lori

    Love finding a great new blog to follow on Linky. I’m following you now with the new Linky tool, so follow back so we can stay connected, Lori

    • Sylvia

      Welcome to CHK, Lori. I will look for you over at Linky!

  4. Dee

    Hmmm… missed all the commotion! However, I shared my recipe for dump cake with Hubby’s cardiologist, & you should have seen the fleeting look of dismay on his face when I mentioned the stick of butter I dot the top with! It was funny! I didn’t even think about what I was saying until I saw the look on his face.

    • Sylvia

      Oh my, Dee! 😀

  5. Traci Knoppe

    Yep, I was surprised by some of the comments as well. Can’t wait for the show!!
    Traci Knoppe recently posted..Homemaking Inspiration via Pinterest