Creating Work Stations in your kitchen isn’t a new idea. Commercial kitchens are usually set up with with work stations and your own kitchen could benefit from this concept.
Before you start moving things around, it is helpful to think about all the different types of stations that might benefit you. Then, it is very helpful to work out on paper where in your kitchen all your stations will be located and what will be in them.
Many stations can be combined because the tools and ingredients used in them are so similar. This is a great space saving idea.
Here are some ideas for Work Stations in your kitchen and what you could include in each station. Remember that these are suggestions, you can put anything you need in your stations!
Your kitchen may not be large enough to allow for all of these stations. Stations like Paperwork and Homework could be set up in other areas of your home. Freezing and Canning canters could be set up together to save on space. The Snack are could be combined with the Beverage Station or the Cooking Station.
Baking and Prep Station ~ flours, sugar, sweeteners, salt, mixing bowls, cooling racks, mixer, baking soda, baking baking powder, spices, utensils, pot holders, towels, cutting board, knives, rolling pin. Baking and prep station should be near the oven. This station should also have access to a good rolling surface for rolling out pastries and baked goods.
Freezing, Fermenting and Canning Station – This station is really all about containers: freezer containers, jars and bottles, plastic bags, utensils, crocks and bowls. Other items are citric acid, salt, lids, rings, pans, utensils, some cultures that don’t need refrigeration.
Cooking Station – This is different from your prep station in that a cooking station is for putting recipes together and getting already prepped food ready for a meal. It could easily be combined with a Baking and or Prep Station though. You’ll need access to pans, casserole dishes, utensils, spices and seasonings. This is usually the main Station in a kitchen with other stations sharing the area as needed.
Clean-Up Station – Obviously, this station centers around the sink. This station holds dish soap, dishwasher detergent, dishwasher, towels, dish cloths, counter space for drying and stacking pans and dishes. Under the sink is a great place to store cleaning supplies and can be outfitted with sliding shelves and racks to give even more space.
Snack and Beverage Station – Many homes call this the Coffee Bar but it can easily be modified for all hot beverages. You’ll need an electric kettle or coffee maker, beverages like tea, hot cocoa, coffee, etc., creamers, sugar and flavorings, towels, spoons, cups and what ever add-ins you like to offer for hot beverages like honey or stevia. You can add a Snack Station to this and have all your dry snacks and paper goods in this area.
Paperwork and Homework Station – This is a helpful station to have in a kitchen if you have room. You could use an island if you needed to, or a small table if you don’t have counter-top space. its a great way to have all your book-keeping, bills, lists and more all together in the room you frequent most. Having the homework station there can help with that time your child is working on homework and you’re working on making a meal. You could keep paper, mailing supplies, pens and pencils, other office supplies and a small lamp there.
There are probably many other Stations you could come up with that would fit your life. I encourage you to do that, make it your own so that it really works for you.
A few tips:
*Work out the organization ideas in your mind, and then on paper, before you actually jump in and begin re-organizing your kitchen. That way you will be better able to decide where you want to start and what changes you want to make.
*As you organize, keep in mind you want your kitchen to “flow”. That means you don’t want to be constantly running to and fro in the kitchen when you’re cooking, serving meals, etc.
To create a station, you will try, as much as possible, to group items together according to their use.
For instance, you would probably want to place your coffee cups and drinking glasses in the same cupboard. ~And you would want your coffee cups near the coffee pot! Make sense?
*If you have any storage containers for things like flour, sugar, or other household goods, now would the time to make sure they’re labeled clearly.
*Take this opportunity to make a pantry inventory, spice inventory, etc.
*Too many magnets and/or paper/junk on the fridge will make any kitchen look unkempt. See if you can streamline some of these items.
*If you have metal cabinets the inside of the cabinet is a great place to use magnets and hang phone numbers, etc.
*Keep the top of your fridge clutter free. If you must store items on top, take a few moments to organize them and make the space user friendly.
*It’s not only unsightly to have a lot of clutter on your counter-tops; it also makes cleaning more difficult. Take a long hard look at your counter space and make some decisions concerning clutter and ease of use. You may need to eliminate some items and/or re-organize.
*Don’t make things harder than they have to be! Think carefully and take a few minutes to plan before you replace your items in the cabinets after cleaning. Think “user-friendly”! Stacking is fine, but think ahead and try not to stack items you use frequently on the bottom or in the back!
*Streamline when possible. Be honest with yourself when it comes to getting rid of things and creating Stations.
Often there are many items in the kitchen that go unused year after year. For instance, how many of your casserole dishes do you really use? Sometimes it’s good to keep a specialty item even if it isn’t used that much. For instance, most people have a turkey platter. It’s something that you may only use a few times a year, but you do use it and need it! On the other hand; seldom do you need eight muffin pans unless you bake big batches,
So, if there are items you no longer need or don’t want now is the time to find a new home for them. Share the wealth!
*Check your window sills. It’s easy to let clutter accumulate their as well. Too many plants, decorations, etc.
*Take a deep breath and tackle that junk drawer! (Or drawers!)
There is seldom a true need for a junk drawer. To be honest, most of the time it’s simply a “catch-all” for items we haven’t taken the time to put in their proper place. ~Or that we haven’t taken the time to create a place for.
Be brutal!
Tools can be kept with the rest of their kind in the tool box. Kitchen gadgets should have their own place. Take stock of the contents and organize them! Usually there is a collection of old phone books, take-out menus, bread ties, etc. in these drawers, weed out the undesirables and organize the rest.
Truly organizing a kitchen to make it work for you can be exhausting! But believe me it is rewarding and it keeps giving meal after meal.