...a God to serve...a family to love... a work to do...

Church Ladies’ Group?

In a few days my Church is starting back up their Ladies Ministry. A friend of mine and I are trying to get it going again. I’m not sure why it stopped in the first place except that maybe the leaders got busy with other things and just couldn’t keep on leading.

We’ve had the idea to start it again for over a year. We’ve just been praying and watching for the right time. Suddenly, God started moving and working and so this coming Friday night at 6 pm, there will be 28 ladies from our Church at our Women’s Ministry Dinner.

One of the first things we will do is talk about our purpose. We’re feeling like the women in our Church are distanced and don’t know each other very well. We believe we need to draw closer to each other and help each other on our journey toward drawing closer to Jesus along with helping and encouraging each other in the ministries God has given each of us. Its not so much that we don’t have women ministering in our Church, we really do! The women in our Church are amazing, godly women busy ministering and working for the Kingdom. We just want to draw together and work together more, encourage each other and build each other up.

The program that I’ve put together will focus on our words and controlling our tongues as scripture commands. There are a lot of scripture references to taming the tongue, here are a few. Not only do we want to be controlling the tongue from speaking what is not edifying, but we want to train ourselves to speak words of encouragement and compassion to our sisters in Christ.

I’ve used material from Creative Ladies Ministries, Apples of Gold and other resources I can’t remember I’ve had them so long, just waiting for a time to use them!

Our theme is Apples Of Gold. I’ve made home-canned apple pie filling and apple butter to give away in two drawings. I will have the women self-address an envelope when they arrive. Then I will draw from those for the prizes. Later, I will use the addressed envelopes to send out reminders of the next meeting.

The menu is Judy’s Chicken and Dumplings, Cornbread, Green Salad, Apple Salad and Apple Crisp with Vanilla Ice Cream.

The devotional is the Apples Of Gold devo from Julia Bettencourt’s site, which my friend Anna will lead. I will talk about mentoring and give out information on mentoring to those ladies interested in it. I have a couple of fun get-to-know-you games to play too.

I’ve been praying for a long time about our Ladies Group and I know God is moving and working to form a group of women in my Church who want to work together in unity and love to build the Kingdom and do God’s will!

I’d love to hear about your Ladies Group and what they are doing. Would you share here?


  1. Amy Morgan

    The ladies bible study at our church is doing “Captivating” by Staci Eldridge. There are home teams that I haven’t looked into yet. Also there is a MOPS group that I am a part of.

    I am hoping to get a prayer shawl group going.

  2. lydia

    I think women ministering and supporting one another is one of the greatest ministry there is. It is so important for the older women to help guide the younger women in the church.

  3. Sylvia

    Yvonne, thank you for your post. I hope your women’s ministry can get started back up and that it will thrive!

    A lot of the women in our Church are already working in various ministries. One of our goals is to support each other with prayer and working together.
    We used to do the Secret Sister thing but we’re going to do what we’re calling Apples Of Gold Encouragers. Encouragers are not secret, they commit to pray with their partner once a week, send cards and encouraging words and pray for them regularly.

    We’ve got a list of ways women can pray for other women and how women can encourage other women that we’re handing out tonight.

  4. yvonne

    Sylvia, what a great article! Our ladies group was very busy 25+ years ago, but today we have struggled to get going again. We had a breakfast together three years ago and one of our ladies gave a talk on the work of the Gideons society of which she and her husband are members. It was interesting. Other times we have had ‘pudding evenings’ where some of the ladies have made puddings/desserts and we’ve come together to eat and hopefully to get to know some of the other ladies better. Unfortunatlely I wasn’t able to go. A small group made it, but we always see the same small faithful group, there are many women in our church but I don’t know half of them as they disappear out the door on a sunday and most don’t even go to a bible study home group, which I find sad 🙁
    Coming across your article has encouraged me to think and pray about it all again. I have e-mailed all the women in our church members directory this article and have asked them to pray. I’ll let you know if anything happens 😉

    Ps..Sylvia, how does what you say here “The women in our Church are amazing, godly women busy ministering and working for the Kingdom. We just want to draw together and work together more, encourage each other and build each other up” work out in practice?

  5. Sylvia

    Thank you so much for sharing, Bonnie! Your group sounds like its very enjoyable and focused in the right direction. I wonder what we can do to encourage more women to join us in our ladies ministries?
    If anyone has ideas, please share.

  6. Bonnie

    We have a Woman On Mission group that meets once a month, usually at the house of one of the members. We eat, talk, (a lot) look over last meetings minutes, and get started with a lesson (done by a volunteer from last meeting.) We then get to different projects we have going on and any new ideas. We do fundraisers to help with our outreach expenses, which right now are, a missionary family in Indonesia, one in Massachusetts, Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes, and HEARTS a local food/clothing ministry. A couple of years ago we had about 25 members, (we have a small congregation only about 70 members in total) but this has been steadily going down to about a core of 8-10 women over the last year. We would love to see an increase of attendance but most of the women say they just don’t have time.
    Blessings on your ladies group!