...a God to serve...a family to love... a work to do...


So I’ve been absent from blogging for a while, I know. Life has been busy but filled with God’s amazing grace and provision.

The week before Christmas my husband noticed a wound on his foot. He is diabetic and has neuropathy in his feet so he didn’t feel it. It was a really bad wound so we went to the emergency room.

We spent all night in the ER because there were no rooms available in the hospital due to C patients. We did finally get a room and he stayed in the hospital for 7 days. He had surgery 2 times.

The nurses at the hospital were phenomenal, just superb. The care he received was top notch. Because we are uninsured and not old enough for Medicare, we are self-pay. Boy oh Boy. Once the hospital finds out you’re self-pay, they pull every bit of help out from under you. But the nurses continued to give quality care. The wound care people actually had a wound vac on his foot and within 30 minutes took it off when they found that we didn’t have insurance. Oh well.

He and I had Christmas in the hospital. it wasn’t all that bad, we’ve been just the two of us for a long time now and we decided to leave gift giving til he was at home. I’ve always felt like wherever he is, is home. So I was content though we both had rather been at home. We watched movies and ate a good dinner together.

I went home and two of our children came to spend the night with me so I wouldn’t be by myself. I hadn’t really thought about it until they came but I know I would have felt lonely if I had been there all alone on Christmas Eve. And on Christmas morning I cooked and we opened presents before I went to the hospital. What a blessing those two were to me! I told them so, but I don’t think they understand just how much I needed them that evening.

So he was released from the hospital and we made a Dr’s appointment for him with the surgeon. The surgeon has been terrific, willing to work with us and giving good care, making sure we know all the options and what they cost. And boy do they cost.

Once we were home, husband had to stay off his foot so, much of what he usually does around here was going to go undone, but our children stepped up without us even asking. What a marvelous blessing for adult children to bless their parents. One came to take out trash, one offered to take us where we needed to go, one cleaned our house and the others filled in the gaps. It was so sweet and again I was overwhelmed.

Once the bills started coming and the Dr’s visits started, we prayed about it and didn’t really say much about it to others. Low and behold, CHK friends came out of the woodwork to give us money to pay for his treatments and medicines. All his Dr’s appointments and treatments have been paid for on time. Just when I thought I was going to have to find money for his next appointment, someone has helped us.

This was surprising in one way because since we have not been fellowshipping regularly at a Church we don’t feel like we have very many friends right now. In another way, it was no surprise what God and His people can do. God showed us that He can work through anything, any time, any where. And He has shown me how loving and kind His people can be.

The way that the ladies on the CHK Message board have ministered to us has been this huge blessing that we’re simply not going to forget. The notes of encouragement, the paying of bills, the reaching out to us and praying for us have been quietly beautiful.

It occurred to me that we’ve been faithful all these years to give and give even when we didn’t have it go give and now God is showing us what it means to be faithful and trust in Him to provide. He’s done that through CHK members and our children. It is humbling and amazing to be on the receiving end of God’s goodness. You know what it makes me want to do? It makes me want to give!


  1. dankfarms

    May GOD almighty heal and protect him, stay blessed with your families

  2. Sara

    Wow, a true testament of God and his goodness. He does honor our giving. I pray your husband and you will be great.

    • Sylvia Britton

      Thank you Sara. We’ve learned more about our God and our faith has certainly grown.

  3. Pam

    God is so faithful! Thank you for sharing this and pointing to God who is our Source, our Provider, our Physician, and who is always with us. I didn’t know that you had gone through that trial and am so encouraged at how He brought you through and used the resources and love of others to help you through.

  4. Betty Jean

    You’ve surely been through a rough journey and now have a special testimony to share.