Please refer to my article on Suggested Basic Cleaning Supplies & Equipment for what you’ll need to get started.
Is your room ready to clean?
Before you can actually clean, you need to pick up and put things away. You can’t sweep and mop with stuff on the floor, nor can you clean a counter or dust if things aren’t put away properly. So straightening is the first order of business. If you have too much stuff and are having trouble finding places to put it, then decluttering is in order (see my article on that if you need help). Now on to the nitty gritty.
Look up!
I always start cleaning a room from the top – as in the ceiling. I use my Webster to knock down cobwebs, clean the tops of door frames and the cold air returns (ours are near the ceiling).
Look around!
Take a look at the room you’re cleaning, whatever you see, needs to be wiped off, dusted, cleaned or scrubbed. It depends on the room, as to what tasks you need to do. For example: a kitchen. Wipes the front of the cabinets, clean the counters, the stove, wipe off appliances, clean out the fridge, the microwave, wipe off any canisters and clean the sink (I bleach mine to get stains out), clean the trash can lid, etc….
A tip for you: when cleaning, always dry off your surfaces with a towel to make the surface really shine and avoid streaks, etc… This is especially true in the kitchen and bathroom with the cleansers used for those.
Look down!
The very last thing I clean in any room is the floor. This is to either sweep/mop or vaccum up all the dust bunnies I knocked to the floor on my way down.
Final comments:
I know this is extremely generalized and simplified, but honestly, cleaning isn’t brain surgery! Just wipe it, scrub it, wash it, sweep it, mop it, polish it or put it away, and that’s pretty much all there is to it.