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Allah Or God?

Is the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob and of Christians, the same God as Allah?

This is a common misconception. The god Allah is not the God of Abraham and Issac. Historically speaking, they are often confused as one in the same. In the Q’uran, they are identified as the same. Theologically speaking however, they are completely different entities.

Allah is the moon god, one of thousands, which supposedly resided at Mecca before Muhammed brought about Islam. That’s why many of the middle eastern countries have crescent moon on their flags, it represents Allah, the moon god.

God is Elohim, the Creator of the universe. He is also known as Yahweh and Jehovah. The differences between Allah and God are numerous and sharply contrast the two.
Islam (which is supposedly the creation of Allah) denies the basic tenets of the Christian faith; that Jesus is God, the atonement, the incarnation, the Trinity. Allah, in the Q’uran, offers conditional, temporal love. God offers unconditional, self-sacrificing love.
Allah, as described in the Q’uran is impersonal and capricious. God as described in the Bible is a personal God whose requirements of His people are based on His holiness.

Allah is derived from a root word in Arabic that means “to be perplexed”. Some Muslims claim though that it is a personal name for God. However, the Allah of the Q’uran has no Son. Therefore Allah and Yahweh cannot be one and the same.

There are differences in opinions about the names Allah and Yahweh and whether or not they both indicate the same God, but the things they each teach their followers and their characters are totally different.

I don’t believe its a matter of having the right God and the wrong method of worship. Muslims have their holy book supposedly inerrant and inspired by Allah which tells us all about Allah. He couldn’t be more different from Yahweh.

You need to know the difference and if you are a Christian, you need to teach this to your children.


  1. Sylvia

    Thank you for stopping by to read and for your comment. My post was concerning Islam and the god the Muslims worship, Allah. I am not sure if you misunderstood my post or just did not see that I was talking about Islam and the god Allah as that god compares to the Christian God. I was not speaking about Christians who are in the Middle East, but your reminder was a good one. The Church is universal.

  2. Kristin

    Islam is very, very different from Christianity, and does not follow on at all. And I do not believe that Muslims and Christians worship the same God. I have been told, however, that ‘Allah’ is the Arabic word for God, and Palestinian, Lebanese, Syrian, and other middle-eastern Christians use the word ‘Allah’ for God. It is important to make a very firm distinction between Islam’s teachings and Christianity, and that our God is not the same one as in Islam (though they claim it is the God of Abraham (Ibrahim) and Ishmael (Ismail) ). Islam’s ‘Allah’ is not our God, but we do worship the same God as our middle-eastern brothers and sisters in Christ.