In 1996 Sylvia Britton began an online site called The 20th Century Christian Homekeeper. CHK grew out of her heart to serve and offer help women whom God has called to serve Him in their homes. As that work grew and expanded, and enjoyed slightly different names like The 21st Century HomeKeeper and finally, The Christian HomeKeeper, God continues to bless and use it for His glory.
After working at CHK since 1996 and raising 5 children, running a bakery, home educating, mentoring and serving in her local Church, today Sylvia is doing a bit more resting and enjoying grandchildren. She posts when she has inclination but her in-box is always open for questions and prayer requests. She is also very active in the CHK Facebook Group.
You can read the CHK Statement of Faith here.

Sylvia Britton, Founding Administrator. Sylvia and her husband Mark live in Tennessee and have been married since 1980. They are the parents of 5 children, grandparents to 7, educated their children at home since 1990. In 1996 Sylvia began an online site called Christian HomeKeeper and the Christian HomeKeeper message board.
It was at Vacation Bible School in 1969 that she was saved to a life in Jesus Christ. She had the blessing of a strong foundation of discipleship and teaching at a Baptist Church. She has been a Bible teacher to women and children since 1978 and has taught Kindergarden through the elderly. Of all the roles that God has placed in her life, she cherishes that of wife, mother and grandmother most deeply.
She enjoys reading, mentoring women, writing articles for several magazines, gardening, Bible study and creating a peaceful holy home. God has given Sylvia the gifts of wisdom and administration and she has found a wonderful outlet for those gifts at Christian HomeKeeper.

Wardee Harmon, Technical Administrator. Wardee lives in Idaho with her husband and two of their children. She has two grandchildren so far. Wardee’s passions are sewing garments and healthy cooking, although she loves to create just anything from scratch, should the mood hit right. These activities might include creating and preparing wholesome, nutritious meals; gardening; sewing garments or home decor; quilting; reading books about nutrition or crafts; knitting; crocheting; reading great books to her children; making soap; or teaching her children a new craft.
Wardee loves to share what she’s learning and creating with other women. She hopes that her contributions to the CHK ministry will bless your heart and home. Wardee blogs and teaches about traditional cooking at Traditional Cooking School
Meet the Photographer
In addition to the photos taken by the authors, many of our site photos come from CHK Photographers. We are thrilled to use their “eyes” in many of our posts!
Marg D., Photographer. Marg (hard ‘g’) is a wife and mother of three children in Manitoba, Canada. She and her husband work toward a self-sustained, healthy life on their homestead in the country. Her interests include photography, gardening, animals, museums, and sewing. Marg’s personal blog is Prairie Sun.
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