If your kitchen is ready for a good heavy cleaning, Here is the link to the Kitchen Spring Cleaning Instructions.
However, if you need a good daily method for cleaning your kitchen, this is the page you need.
Our plan is simple. We want to get a clean kitchen that is as germ free as possible, has no obvious places for germs and vermin to live and is prepared for the next day.
Here are some recommendations for keeping your kitchen cleaner and more orderly throughout the day
Number one – The kitchen is a work area. There’s nothing wrong with having decorations in one’s kitchen, but if those decorations take up valuable counter space or wall space, best to move them to another more appropriate room.
Set Yourself up to succeed – Every morning, start your day by drawing up a sink of hot soapy dish water. This sink of very hot soapy water will serve you all day long as you clean spills, wipe up after working and keeping the surface areas clean. You may have to change it once during the day depending on how many dishes you usually do or how much cleaning your do with the soapy water.
Clean as You Go – You’ve heard it before and it’s true. You must clean as you go in order not to overwhelm yourself with cleaning at the end of the day. Teach yourself to wipe down and clean all day long while you are in the kitchen, to put dirty dishes in the sink immediately after using them, to pick up and keep areas clean all day. This is something that no one can do for you, you have to discipline yourself.
Don’t be haphazard – You don’t have to cook that way. So many cooks have ingredients every where, tools slung here and there. Get all your ingredients out, measure them into small containers before you begin cooking and put away the ingredients as soon as you are finished with them. This will really help you to not only be an organized cook, but will keep your kitchen cleaner, longer and it will be easier to clean up after you’re finished cooking.
Now, let’s start the daily cleaning process. After you’ve cooked and used your kitchen all day long, it needs a good clean.
The first four items on this list are done all together. While you’re putting tools away, you’re putting away food and you’re putting things where they go.
*Take all items back to their place. Organizing and putting things away is probably 90% of cleaning the kitchen. Once everything is put where it belongs, you’ll be surprised how much better it looks.
*Store all food. While you’re putting things away be sure all your food items are stored properly.
*Put all tools that do not need to be washed in their proper places.
*Pick up all paper trash, dispose of it.
*Place all food scraps in an appropriate container. I like to use a lidded container so that I can take the scraps to a compost bin. Non-compost food is put into a grocery bag or other disposable container and then in the trash. Some “food trash” is actually not trash. I save vegetable peels and trimmings in a container in the freezer to make vegetable broth and soups.
*Dust out dining area chairs and wipe crumbs off table.
*Wash all dishes or run the dish washer. I wash my dishes by hand and I like to give them a final rinse in a disinfectant solution of bleach and water. Dishes disinfected in this way should be allowed to air dry.
*While dishes dry or machine is running, make a pan of cleaning solution and hot water.
Use whichever cleaner you prefer. I have some natural homemade cleaner recipes here.
New Homemade Natural Cleaners
Homemade Anti-Bacterial Scouring Powder
Homemade Natural Cleaners
*Choose a clean rag and begin to wipe down the dirtiest areas first, such as stove tops and countertops. Rinse your rag well between cleaning the surfaces. Change your cleaning water as often as you need to.
*Next, move to the other appliances that you have used this day, such as microwave, toaster, refrigerator and mixers. Give everything a good wipe down.
*Using your cleaning solution, wipe down all tables and other work surfaces. Replace table decorations such as centerpieces or placemats. Don’t forget to wipe down the dining table and chairs, pay attention to the handles on the chairs.
*Put away clean dishes. Make sure that they are completely dry before storing them in cabinets. Moisture encourages bacteria growth and insects. Rinse out your dish drainer if you use one, dry it and put it away.
*Clean your sinks. I use a scrub-type cleaner that won’t damage my stainless steel sinks. I have a recipe for it here.
*Sweep the floor.
*Make a mopping solution. I suggest that you find a good container to use as a mop bucket, store it away and use it only for mopping. I like ammonia and water for mopping, but some floors will be damaged by ammonia, so use whatever cleaner you prefer. I mop my kitchen every day. It doesn’t take much time. But it helps me keep the floor clean and grease-free.
*Wash out your kitchen rags with dish soap and rinse them in a bleach/water solution. Just 2 qts of water and 1 tablespoon of bleach will give you a disinfecting solution. Squeeze the solution though the cloths several times. Wring out your rags and cleaning cloths and hang to dry. Or wash your cloths in the washing machine with detergent and bleach.
After you have tweaked this routine to fit you and your kitchen, it will go fast and you can do it every day after your evening meal. it will keep your kitchen cleaner, longer.
May God bless you as you serve Him in your home!